Though I usually play "crossharp" when I play harp, my Dad's favorite harmonica was a Chromonica, which was a diatonic model with a button you could push to drop the whole thing a half step. So it's not "chromatic" in the sense that you get all twelve tones in any given octave. But you can get flatted notes that you can't get on most other harps.
He kept it in a pipe tobacco pouch.
Well, we lost Dad in 2010, and his Chromonica had long since turned to a rust. But at a flea market in September, I saw one in pretty good condition for $30. I offered him $20 and he took it.
I've cleaned it up and disinfected it. It's not all that playable, because some of the little flaps have decided to "go their own way." But it can be played, and it's a very cool memento.
Now if I can find an old pipe tobacco bag . . . .
chromonica1_800.jpg [ 58.91 KiB | Viewed 15992 times ]
P.S. The letters aren't really blue, that is just a glow that the late afternoon lighting gave it.