Creek Don't Rise

How Much is my Banjo Worth?
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Author:  paulrace [ Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  How Much is my Banjo Worth?

Every banjo is worth more in many ways than what it will probably sell for if you put it on the market. It may help you remember a cherished family member long gone. It may give a youngster a chance to learn skills and musical principles that will last a lifetime. That said, when you try to sell a banjo, especially a student or off-brand banjo, you run into a different sort of valuation - the apparent value to a stranger who doesn't know and love the instrument like you do.

That's why when folks ask me the value of a banjo they've inherited, I'm becoming increasingly hesitant to answer. Instead I've put all the things I automatically take into consideration into an article so they can hopefully figure it out for themselves. ... _value.htm

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