Creek Don't Rise

Restoring Chromaharp?
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Author:  paulrace [ Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Restoring Chromaharp?

A reader writes:

l was gifted a chromaharp. Cannot find where to buy strings, tuner and misc. Parts. Can you help me out? Would be greatly appreciated as I plan to learn to play this unique instrument. Thank you.


Thanks for getting in touch. I have two Chromaharps, and I'm always pleased with how well they're built. That said, if you have a 15-chord chromaharp that needs repair and new strings, it might be WAY more cost-effective to buy a used one in good condition than to try to restore one. One reason is that public elementary schools used to buy Chromaharps for their music teachers, and there are tens of thousands floating around, some of which have barely been used.

As an example, a set of new Chromaharp strings is not cheap. ... 8a0d10fdcb

To compare, many 15-chord Chromaharps come on the market in playable condition in the $50-$75 range.

If the strings are playable, and you have all of the other parts, it might not cost you much to restore yours. New felts, for example aren't THAT expensive.

If you'll reply to this message and attach photos of your Chromaharp from several different angles, I can give you more specific information.

Best of luck, and have a great day,

- Paul

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