Sorry for posting this two different places on the forums, but it covers more than one topic.
I'm experimenting with creating 5-string banjo tabulature in Sonar (Cakewalk). The auto-tab function was obviously invented by guitar players, so you have to define a banjo layout, then let the thing autogenerate the tab, then go fix it all anyway.
That said, I think I was successful in generating a usable banjo tab for Wabash Cannonball in the key of G. The way I have my banjo tuned (DBGDG), I can't go down to the low C on the Chorus, but everything else works pretty well.
In order to get some semblance of melody on some of the lines, you need to cram two notes that you would ordinarily sing as quarter notes into the first beat, either by "hammering on," or "pulling off." The most complicated of these is a B to A pull, in which you start with the second and fourth fret of the third string fretted, pluck the string while it is playing a B, then pull off the fourth fret violently, so that the string keeps ringing, but is now ringing on the second fret.
I put a lead sheet, banjo tab, an mp3 with just the banjo and an mp3 with the melody all into a single Zip file. you get half a chance, please let me know what you think,