A reader writes:
Very interesting site, only just come across it tonight. As a matter of interest to you on reading your string selection article, I have been on the lookout for a string supplier of single selected diameters, [ I use 0.011plain, 0.018 wound, 0.030 wound & 0.038 wound for playing Celtic & Gaelic tunes. This is only a personal preference but most other folk musicians on trying my "chinese banjo" are plesantly suprised at how easy it is to play. After a few years of having to buy 2 sets of strings to restring once, I have now found a company in the UK who can supply exactly what I prefer from stock as individual strings. May be worth your while checking out their website to see what they offer. I have no commercial attachment to them. Clifford Essex is the name; located in Norfolk, England.
Thanks; I'm familiar with Clifford Essex, nice people with good service in my experience. I've also found
http://www.juststrings.com/singlestrings.html to be helpful when I need a custom set (in the US). And I have no commercial attachment to them, except occasionally as a customer.