Creek Don't Rise

Vega banjo history
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Author:  paulrace [ Mon Oct 08, 2018 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Vega banjo history

A reader writes:

We found an old vega 4 string banjo that belonged to my grandfather. We are trying to learn its history. The banjo case states Vega ISS 155 Columbus Ave Boston Mass
The banjo has a single star with the word Vega in the center.


Most older Vega banjos are still respected among the banjo community. In modern days, they were manufactured briefly by C.F. Martin (the guitar company) and now by Deering (the banjo company), but you probably have a pre-war instrument. Some, but not all of them are still considered desirable today.

If you can send me photos front and back, and side, with the resonator on and off, I'll share what I know, and post the photos (without your name) for other folks to give their input.

Best of luck,


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