I've has been dabbling in home recording since the 1960s. Over the decades, I've dabbled with every phase, including multichannel tape decks, MIDI trax programming, MIDI-enhanced multichannel recording, and full-blown DAWs (mostly on the PC).
Recent discussions on another forum about people making their own demo tracks reminded me of several things I tried over the years that still work today, and some that don't. I wrote a series of articles that breaks down every stage, shows how system components went/go together, and explains many of the terms you'll encounter if you try any of this stuff yourself. So it's not just a memoir - if you're new to any home recording technologies that don't involve an iPhone, it may be an education.
I still have some parts to add, including samples of recordings done with various setup, but I wanted you to have access to the drafts as soon as possible.
The first "volume" is here:
https://paulracemusic.com/memoirs/music ... 1968-1980/